Delta Scientific creates security beam barricades that are designed to restrict access in or out of a specific area. Our beam barriers are built to withstand most attempts to drive through the barricade and are crash certified.
Protect Your Property With Sliding Gates
If fences make good neighbors, then gates create safe premises. Keeping property, personnel and tenants safe are the key goals of managing a secured property. While this can be a difficult job, technology in the form of access control systems and sliding gates can help to make it a lot easier.
Fighting Back Against Mail Contamination Threats
One of the most startling reasons that biological warfare is so damaging is its near invisibility. Early detection is key to eliminating a toxin before it spreads. At Delta Scientific, our BioBooth was developed with the U.S. Department of State to minimize the potential spread of biohazards.
The Benefits of Early Warning Systems
An early warning system can be the difference between a surprise attack and sufficient warning for security to prevent or respond to a threat scenario. Find out more about the technology used in the Delta Scientific early warning system and how this system works with vehicle barricades.
The Visibility of Security: Keeping Campuses Safer
New environments, rigorous schedules, new independence all contribute to making the transition to college difficult. With the rise in gun & vehicular violence, safety had become another, vastly more pervasive concern. A goal for any administration is to create an environment where staff & students feel safe on campus.
Beam Barricade Crash Ratings
The stopping capabilities of beam barricades are set forth in several crash rating standards. These classifications can guide the selection of the right high security beam barrier for any location. Delta Scientific will assist you to determine the best beam barricade solution.
Wedge Barricades Play an Essential Role in Vehicle Access Security
The wedge barricades manufactured by Delta Scientific Corporation are perfectly suited for tight spaces that require rapid emergency defense operation capable of stopping and destroying attacking vehicles.
How to Choose the Best Defense: Permanent Versus Portable Vehicle Barriers
Portable and permanent barriers, such as security bollards and vehicle barricades, provide effective security, but not every barrier is appropriate for every situation. Delta Scientific provides some suggestions to help you decide whether you need a permanent or a portable barrier.
3 Security Tips for Public Event Planners
Public spaces important places for community interaction, celebration and recreation. These areas may include main streets, parks, promenades, band shells or fields. These areas are often utilized by public event planners for community activities, including Fourth of July fireworks, wintertime ice skating rink installations, music festivals and art fairs. As the year draws to a close, holiday and Christmas markets as well as major New Years Eve events, present cities with constant public event security needs. Fortunately there are ways for public space managers to reduce risks of incidents with high-speed vehicles and further promote the use of local public areas.
3 Security Solutions for Corporate Headquarters
Securing your corporate headquarters is extremely important. The sad truth is that any organization is constantly at risk of terrorism from a disgruntled employee, an angry customer, or extremist activists. Thankfully, steps can be taken to prevent loss of lives and property caused by both incidental and intentional vehicular incidents. Delta Scientific Corp. produces, installs, and maintains high-quality barrier systems trusted by major corporations and government facilities all over the world.