Barricade Control Systems
Junction Box and Control Circuitry
This photograph shows a typical barricade control circuit with an integral motor starter, PCB control board and step down transformer’
Delta Scientific builds control circuits to project requirements from the simple to highly complex integrated systems, controlling multiple barricade systems. International voltages are available.

Hydraulic Power Unit – Delta HPU
This is the top of the line, heavy duty, patented Delta Power Unit barricade control systems. We rack and stack valves, flow controls and accumulators to meet our client’s applications for speed of operation, number of barricades to be controlled and the number of power off cycles required.
The pump is supplied with an integral tank, sight gage and level switch. Options include hand pump and oil heater. The unit shown is a two barricade system pump.

Electro-Mechanical Control System
Delta Scientific provides a series of Electro-Mechanical barrier systems that take advantage of Programmable Logic Controllers as well as Motion Control Drives to create systems that don’t require the use of hydraulic oil. The controllers and drives in the system allow for monitoring and diagnostics of the barrier system as well as motion control. In addition to this our Electro-Mechanical systems can also be equipped with a heavy duty battery back-up system that allows for over 100 cycles after power has been removed from the system.

Hydraulic Pump Enclosure and Housing
Delta’s HPU enclosures are designed to withstand the harshest environments and can be painted to match any color. The enclosures allow easy access to all the components from the front of the unit with optional side access doors available. Each enclosure can be also be upgraded to a heavy duty version that includes bullet resistance features and a stainless steel finish.

H8050 24v DC Powered HPU
The H8050 24v DC powered HPU allows you to run the barrier off standard 120v or 220v power. An integrated control circuit and upgraded accumulator allows for multiple barrier control configurations and higher duty usage. Cycle rates of 2 seconds are possible with this hybrid system. Simply plug it into any standard 120/220v socket and you are ready to power your barricade. This HPU is also capable of running off solar panels if no power is available.

H4050 12v DC Powered Hydraulic HPU
Universal voltage DC powered versions of these pumps are available for remote locations or less frequently operated barricades. These barricade control systems feature long battery life, low amperage trickle charging and solar panel charging.

Touchscreen Control and Data Logging System
Convenient and Customizable Touchscreen Control Panel capable of controlling up to 8 Unique Barriers or Systems on screen sizes from 10 to 20 inches. The B5010 Control Panel is a Customizable Touchscreen Barrier Control Panel with a built in data logging system. The software was designed from the ground up specifically to control our High Security Barrier Systems. Built in Ethernet Communication also allows easy connection and integration into any networked barrier system.
There are dozens of options built into the software to ensure that the control panel accurately matches your specific system setup. Large custom graphics ensure that any user can easily operate the barriers and the built in ability to create and remove users ensures that only those with certified access are able to control the system. Recorded Cycle Counts and Maintenance Alarms make it easy to ensure your barrier properly maintained and functional when you need it to be.

Early Warning Systems
Using Doppler Radar and digital loop detector tech, the Delta DSC400 Early Warning System alerts guards to active security measures and raises Delta vehicle barricades. Once alerted the guards can take action by raising the Delta barricade systems. Continuous Doppler Radar picks up instantaneous changes in velocity and addresses the threat scenario in which an inbound vehicle approaches at normal speeds and then accelerates to commence the attack. It will also warn if a hidden vehicle suddenly passes a larger vehicle and attempts an attack. Once alerted, the guards can take action, including raising the Delta barricade systems.
The Delta DSC400 Early Warning System consists of radar antennas that look like and install similarly to video surveillance cameras. They can be positioned on top of guard booths or on poles looking into the facility or out. The system includes the circuitry and logic to trigger an alarm panel when a preset speed is exceeded or when a vehicle drives in an exit lane while attempting to go around a guard booth.
The DSC400 Early Warning System is best applied at locations where there is a long and relatively straight run into the facility that would allow a large vehicle to build up its speed. A vehicle traveling at 60 mph (96 kph) can cover 88 feet per second (2.68 m/sec) so it is imperative that the guards be alerted immediately. Every second counts.

Vehicle Loop Detectors
Delta Scientific’s LMA Series Digital Loop Detectors are recommended with all Delta and most other vehicle access barricade control systems because they are programmed to prevent a closing signal when power resumes. LMA Series Loop Detectors are directly interchangeable with most other brands as a plug-in replacement.
These loop detectors provide customers with a safety detector that can prevent accidents which occur when power outages cause vehicle access barricade control systems to reset their logic. The LMA Series incorporates an advanced micro-controller that combines a powerful digital computer and the latest and most advanced inductive vehicle loop technology to give high-test reliability and accuracy when measuring, counting or detecting vehicles.
This ability helps avoid unexpected gate operations such as the raising or lowering of gate arms, sliding gate operation, motorized teeth and barricade actuation. Delta highly recommends the use of vehicle loop detectors to prevent accidental closings and raisings when authorized vehicles move through vehicle access control systems which can suppress the operation of heavy gates and vehicle barricades.Typical digital loop detectors hold a gate open until the last part of a vehicle has passed the closing loop, located beyond the gate.
The detector then gives a pulse on departure, instructing the gate to close after the vehicle has passed. Oftentimes, after power outages, the entire system needs to be reset. The LMA Series negates this problem.
Delta LMA Series Loop Detectors provide input voltages of 24 VAC, 24 VDC, 120 VAC and 230 VAC.