A Delta Scientific security installation outside a commercial building, featuring a row of durable bollards neatly aligned along the pathway, integrating seamlessly with the urban landscape while providing effective perimeter protection.


Protecting Businesses and Industry

Whether a business attracts large pedestrian crowds or is a remote location looking to protect expensive equipment, Delta Scientific has the vehicle barriers to stop unwanted vehicle access both accidental or by malicious intent. Retail businesses have called upon Delta to make aesthetically pleasing bollard that fit the style of their storefront while still holding crash rated stopping power to protect their customers. Private aerospace and technology companies have called for barriers that stand out from their surroundings and make it clear to potential wrong doers that access will not be granted.

Bollards, Wedges, Beams, traffic arms, and gates designed and manufactured in Delta’s Southern California facility are being used all around the world to secure businesses across every major industry.  Whatever physical access control your facility needs, Delta has the crash rated barriers for you.

Private Sector Security at SpaceX Headquarters | Delta Scientific
Stadium Security & Protection | Delta Scientific

Portable Barrier MP5000

A towable, rapid deployment vehicle barricade system successfully passed a full-scale crash test, allowing production for large vehicle traffic areas.
DSC720 Bollard in Crash Test | Delta Scientific Corporation

Bollard DSC720

Top crash-rated bollard tested with a 15,000 lb vehicle at 50 mph achieves K-12 rating, ideal for high-security sites.
DSC305 Security Bollard | Delta Scientific Corporation

Parking Lot Bollard DSC305

Steel bollards, raised pneumatically, control vehicle access, offering security against unauthorized entry into restricted areas, preventing accidental intrusion.
TB150 Bollard Portable Barrier | Delta Scientific Corporation

Portable Bollard TB150

High-security portable bollards for temporary venues offer quick deployment and omnidirectional impact absorption, enhancing protection against vehicle threats.
DSC720-Security-Bollards-Mercedes-Benz-Stadium | Delta Scientific

Bollard DSC720-1M

New security bollards stop 15,000-pound trucks at 50 mph with minimal penetration, achieving ASTM M50 rating.
DSC650 Security Bollards | Delta Scientific Corporation

Shallow Foundation Bollard DSC650

Lift-Out Bollards, lockable for security, available in standalone or array configurations, stopping vehicles up to 5000 pounds at 50 mph.
 Bi-Fold Speed Gate DSC8000

 Bi-Fold Speed Gate DSC8000

New bi-fold speed gate fits tight spaces, handles heavy vehicle throughput, customizable options, crash tested, hydraulic/electric drive, easy installation.
TT212 Beam Barricade | Delta Scientific Corporation

Beam Barricade TT212

The high-strength wire rope of this system stops non-armored vehicles up to 6,000 pounds at 40 mph, protecting various facilities.
TC14 Vehicle Control Sabre Tooth Spikes | Delta Scientific

Sabre Tooth Vehicle Controller TC14

Industry standard Sabre Teeth Tire Spikes, with 20 teeth and durable construction. Available in standard and shallow frame versions.
Commercial Parking Control Beam MG215 | Delta Scientific

Commercial Parking Control Beam MG215

Manual swing vehicle controlling beam, widths 12-25 feet, robust design, simple latch mechanism with optional tamper shield, epoxy primer finish.
DSC1500 Beam Barricade | Delta Scientific Corporation

Portable Beam Barrier DSC1500

The portable barricade sets up quickly and temporarily to block vehicles. With a clear opening of 16 feet (4.8 m), it’s M30 certified.
DSC501 Wedge Barricade | Delta Scientific Corporation

Wedge Barricade DSC501

Advanced wedge barrier system for sub-surface conditions without extensive excavations, exceeding government K54 testing and achieving K12/L3 certification.

Security News