The Importance of Preparedness: Early Warning Systems

While in the past vehicle attacks were a source of concern, today the most prevalent means of conveyance is used as a weapon for destruction. Vehicles have become part if the terrorist tool kit, and it’s more important than ever to prepare for such threats. From angry drivers to determined killers, there have been over 14 major deliberate vehicle attacks in the past five years. One of the most effective ways to keep people and property safe is to develop and implement early warning systems that will ensure security personnel has adequate time to respond to threats.

A Portable, Flexible, and Temporary Barrier

As more incidents involving rogue drivers flood the news, security teams look for new ways to prevent an assault on their watch. Security measures are turning to temporary solutions to this protection problem. By incorporating high-security portable barricades, planners and police have better control over incursions while also creating access for pedestrians.

Crowd Protection and Portable Barriers

As more incidents involving rogue drivers flood the news, security teams look for new ways to prevent an assault on their watch. Security measures are turning to temporary solutions to this protection problem. By incorporating high-security portable barricades, planners and police have better control over incursions while also creating access for pedestrians.

Keeping Pedestrian Accidents at Bay

While it’s important to prepare for attacks and incursions, security planning has to take every-day issues that traffic control safety systems face and pedestrian safety into account as well. Employees, students and visitors traverse every area on foot at some point, and vehicle-related incidents are inevitable. The goal is to keep accidents to a minimum while still being prepared for major security issues.