3 Security Tips for Public Event Planners

Public spaces important places for community interaction, celebration and recreation. These areas may include main streets, parks, promenades, band shells or fields. These areas are often utilized by public event planners for community activities, including Fourth of July fireworks, wintertime ice skating rink installations, music festivals and art fairs. As the year draws to a close, holiday and Christmas markets as well as major New Years Eve events, present cities with constant public event security needs. Fortunately there are ways for public space managers to reduce risks of incidents with high-speed vehicles and further promote the use of local public areas.

3 Security Solutions for Corporate Headquarters

Securing your corporate headquarters is extremely important. The sad truth is that any organization is constantly at risk of terrorism from a disgruntled employee, an angry customer, or extremist activists. Thankfully, steps can be taken to prevent loss of lives and property caused by both incidental and intentional vehicular incidents. Delta Scientific Corp. produces, installs, and maintains high-quality barrier systems trusted by major corporations and government facilities all over the world.

Reducing Parking Lot Hazards With Signage

As leaders in security, Delta Scientific understands that accidents can happen anywhere, including the parking lot. Traffic safety isn’t limited to the road; parking lots can be a huge concern in their own right. Approximately one out of five accidents happens in a car park, which means improving parking lot safety can go a long way to reducing injuries and damage caused by collisions. One simple way to address this issue is to display appropriate signage.

Press Release September 6, 2018

Press Release September 6, 2018 Delta Anti-Terrorist Vehicle Access Control Systems Receive SAFETY Act Certification Curtails Insurance Risks to Customers / Certification Retroactive to 1984 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PALMDALE, CALIF. – September 6, 2018 – Delta Scientific, the leading manufacturer of counter-terrorist vehicle control systems used in the United States and internationally, today announced that, in […]