TT212 Beam Barricades

Engineered K Rated Barrier:  Crash Rated Beams
Installation Design: Shallow Mount Barrier
Model #: TT212
US Patent #4,576,508

The high-strength wire rope of the TT212 will stop a non-armored or non-tracked vehicle weighing 6,000 pounds at 40 mph (26,7 KN at 64 kph). The TT212 Beam Barricade is used at government facilities, embassies and automotive sales facilities. Used to deter thefts and keep civilians safe, the Delta Scientific TT212 series beams are the perfect solution when cost and integration are a key component of your overall safety plan.

The high-strength wire rope of the TT212 will stop a non-armored or non-tracked vehicle weighing 6,000 pounds at 40 mph (26,7 KN at 64 kph). Beams are raised to allow passage of authorized vehicles. Clear opening ranges from 10.5 to 24 feet (3,200 mm to 7,315 mm) are available to allow passage of almost every type of vehicle.

Both TT212 Beam Barricade Hydraulic (H) and Manual (M) versions are available.

TT212 Beam Barricade

TT212 Hydraulic with Counter Weights & Masts

TT212 Hydraulic with Counter Weights

TT212 Hydraulic without Counter Weights

Specifications & Resources

TT212 Specifications – Hydraulic

TT212 Hydraulic Beam Barrier Straight Foundation

TT212 Brochure

TT212 Specifications – Manual

TT212 Hydraulic Beam Barrier Straight Foundation 18′

TT212 Manual Cable Crash Beam Procurement Specifications

TT212 Hydraulic Beam Barrier Straight Foundation 17′ or Less

Other Beam Barricades

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DSC7090 Beam Barricade | Delta Scientific Corporation

Beam Barricade DSC7090

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