Delta Scientific’s Role in National Infrastructure Security

In the last couple of years, there have been significant online attacks against critical infrastructure in the United States that have led to shortages, price hikes, and other disruptions of everyday life. If bad actors were to launch a physical attack against infrastructure, it could be even more devastating. Delta Scientific offers a range of security products that can protect critical infrastructure facilities.

5 Advantages of Delta Scientific Sliding Gates

How would an intruder try to break onto your property? Chances are, a trespasser would try to get in the same way legitimate visitors do, by attempting to use the access points. Because a security system is no stronger than at its weakest point, fortifying the entryways to your property is of crucial importance. A sliding gate for your entryway offers many advantages. Here are some reasons why you should consider a sliding gate in general and one from Delta Scientific in particular.

How Traffic Teeth Work in the Real World

You may have seen scenes in movies or on television in which the bad guys are trying to get away, and it seems as though they might succeed in making their escape, but then they run over a set of traffic teeth while going the wrong direction. Their vehicle disabled, they cannot go any farther, so the good guys catch up with them and save the day.

Physical Security of Nuclear Sites

The first Nuclear Security Summit was held in 2010 with the goal of securing all vulnerable nuclear material worldwide within four years. Since that time, countries that store nuclear materials have made great progress, but the challenge of securing them has proven difficult to overcome despite three subsequent Nuclear Security Summits at two-year intervals. Securing nuclear weapons and materials is a top priority for the United States, and Delta Scientific products may have a role to play in safeguarding the facilities where the materials are stored.

4 Tips for Keeping Your Company Physically Secure

You have a lot invested in your company in terms of tangible assets and human resources. Physical security is crucial to protect your assets and maintain the safety of your employees. Of course, you face virtual security threats, such as ransomware attacks, that may negatively affect both you and your employees. Nevertheless, however serious it may be, a cyber attack against your company is unlikely to result in violence, injuries, and death. Therefore, physical security absolutely has to be one of your top priorities. Here are some tips for keeping you and your employees safe and your physical assets secure.

How Cybersecurity and Physical Security Can Converge

The White House recently declared October 2021 as Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This has come after multiple high-profile attacks on fuel pipelines, police departments, food suppliers, hospitals, and other vital infrastructure and essential services. In his statement, the president points out how cyberattacks can have real-world consequences, potentially endangering not only the livelihoods of Americans but their lives.

Evolving Security Challenges in Washington, D.C.

Thirty years ago, security at government buildings and historic sites in Washington, D.C., was much less stringent than it is today. Ordinary citizens were free to walk into the Capitol building and gather in large groups for pictures on the front steps without surveillance by security guards. However, due to evolving security threats against the nation’s capital, this is no longer possible.