5 Steps to Reduce Security Risks

People often think of physical security and online security as two different things. In reality, however, they are two sides of the same coin. This means that one can undermine the other, but it also means that the two can build one another up. Here are some tips on how to accomplish this to reduce overall security risks.

1. Assess What You Have

Take stock of your physical security infrastructure, not only what you have but what operating system it runs, its age, its configuration, and so on. Physical security devices that connect to the internet, such as cameras, can sometimes go a long time without an update. This creates a vulnerability that a hacker can exploit to get into the network, which represents a serious cybersecurity issue. The first step in preventing a breach is to take an inventory of physical security devices and their potential weak points.

2. Form a Strategy for Replacing Existing Systems

Reducing the overall risk involves modernizing both online security and physical security systems. This requires developing strategies that make modernization a priority. For example, old, outdated physical security systems could be replaced with up-to-date barricades from Delta Scientific.

3. Determine How to Improve Existing Configurations

Replacing outdated systems doesn’t necessarily mean reinventing the wheel. It may be possible to simply enhance the configurations that are already in place so that they provide improved security. For example, in addition to password protections, you can also implement multifactor authorization that requires people to enter more unique information to verify their identities.

When it comes to Delta Scientific products, you can upgrade to a data logging system that offers touch screen control and customizable options. You can also upgrade to an early warning system that gives security personnel more time to react to a possible attack.

4. Integrate Physical and Online Security

The division between physical and online security is an arbitrary one. More and more, online security breaches have effects on physical security, and the reverse may also be true.  Therefore, consolidating physical and online security departments into a single team helps to streamline processes and make them more efficient. Integrating the two former departments into one helps to make communication more effective. A more holistic view of security helps to improve the response to potential threats. An integrated security team becomes more resilient because it is more flexible.

5. Look to the Future

A security solution that is satisfactory today won’t always be so. Security threats continue to mutate, so security has to evolve to continue to provide adequate protection. As you are formulating your security strategy for today, give some thought to what kind of updates or revisions you will need in the future.

It may not be possible to plan for the exact updates you will need. Nevertheless, you can plan for security audits at regular intervals and budget for the necessary upgrades that you will need to order in response to the results of those audits.

