The security threats that you and your facility face are constantly changing. This means that your approach to security has to keep evolving as well. We at Delta Scientific keep a constant eye on new threats to physical security in an effort to better serve our customers. Here are some trends that we are currently watching that may be relevant to the security of your facility in the new year.
Climate Change and National Security
The negative effects of climate change are real and observable in the world. While it may be difficult for a layperson to perceive a link between climate change and national security, the United States Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security, as well as 18 different intelligence agencies, recognize climate change as a current, concrete security threat. Because security is Delta Scientific’s primary concern, we attempt to explain the connection between these two seemingly disparate phenomena.
5 Examples of Delta Custom Engineering Products
At Delta Scientific, we have been designing, manufacturing, and installing security products to protect against vehicle impact for decades. During that time, we carried out extensive crash testing to make sure our products are effective. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean that every product automatically meets the needs of every customer.
Why Maintenance of Security Products Is So Important
Delta Scientific technicians can perform diagnostic, preventive, and restorative maintenance on any of the products you purchase from us on a monthly, semi-annual, or quarterly basis. This is important to ensure that the products are operating correctly and safely to prevent injuries and ensure reliable performance.
5 Steps to Reduce Security Risks
Physical security and online security affect each other in different ways, whether positively or negatively. Integrating the two departments into one can therefore decrease security risks in both respects. The other steps involved in reducing risks include assessing what you have and formulating a replacement strategy.
Product Feature: DSC1450 Surface Mounted Barricade
Sometimes it is necessary to retrofit an existing facility with a security barrier, but it is not possible
to dig a hole for a foundation. A surface-mounted barricade, such as the DSC1450 from Delta Scientific,
may be beneficial in this situation because it can be set up quickly without harming underlying structures.
4 Steps To Building an Efficient and Collaborative Culture of Security
The role of security is to prevent threats to your facility from harming your employees, visitors, and assets. It is a crucially important function. Unfortunately, when security is inefficient, it can interfere with everyday operations.
The New Undercarriage Vehicle Inspection Lights UVLS100
Vehicle attacks come in different forms. Terrorists are always looking for ways to cause as much chaos as possible, whether that means coming up with new ways to destroy or repurposing old ways. Therefore, Delta Scientific has to keep coming up with products that can foil vehicle attacks. One of our newest products is UVLS100, Undercarriage Vehicle Inspection Lights, which work in combination with our barricades.
How AI Fits in an Overall Security Scheme
In a security context, the most obvious application for artificial intelligence is in guarding the computer system against online attacks. However, does AI have applications for physical security as well?