Bollards are short, sturdy posts installed in the ground, or just at the surface, to create a boundary between a roadway and a building or pedestrian area. Bollards allow foot traffic to flow freely while signaling to drivers that vehicles cannot enter a certain area. Bollards can even add aesthetic appeal. When installing Delta Scientific bollards, you must comply with applicable bollard code requirements. These may be part of a larger building code and ensure that the construction is safe for the general public.
What Crowd Surges Are and How To Prevent Them
Major events that draw large crowds can be fun, exciting, and memorable. Unfortunately, big events can also pose their own safety risks. Event planners and venues have a duty to protect attendees from external threats and from threats caused by the crowd itself. What are crowd surges? Find out more about these unfortunate incidents and ways to prevent them.
How Much Does Bollard Installation Cost?
When you purchase bollards from Delta Scientific, you make an investment in safety. You protect your employees, clients, or constituents from collisions with speeding vehicles. You also protect yourself from liability that you may face as a result of such a collision taking place on your property. As a responsible property owner or manager, you should consider bollard installation cost when planning your budget.
What Is the Standard Bollard Height?
A bollard is a short, sturdy post installed into the ground. It delineates parking areas and pedestrian areas. Bollards that offer crash protection, such as those we offer at Delta Scientific, prevent cars from crashing into buildings or onto walkways, causing injuries and property damage in the process. Bollard height is an important consideration when you are purchasing access control systems.
Delta’s DSC501 Stops Unauthorized Vehicle at FBI Building
April 2, 2024 – Delta Scientific, the leading manufacturer of counter-terrorist vehicle control systems used globally, today announced that on Monday, April 1st, a DSC501 High Security Barricade stopped an unauthorized vehicle from entering an FBI field facility in Atlanta, Georgia. According to officials, the orange Buick Encore tried to follow an FBI employee’s car into the facility before being stopped by the Delta DSC501 barrier. The driver was then apprehended by special agents that were in the immediate area.
The 4 Types of Perimeter Security Bollards
There is an undeniable increase in the number of attacks on citizens, communities, and businesses using a vehicle as a weapon. Whether the perpetrator is a member of a terrorist cell or a home-grown malcontent, the destruction is devastating. The loss of life and property can be incalculable, making prevention strategies an essential step in protecting your facility and your community from malicious attacks.
Typical Bollard Spacing and Best Practices To Consider
Bollards protect buildings and pedestrian areas by signaling to vehicles that they cannot drive in a certain area. We at Delta Scientific design our bollards to be able to stop errant vehicles even when they travel at high speeds, up to 50 miles per hour. Bollard spacing is necessary to provide adequate protection from vehicles without impeding foot traffic.
Driveway Security Bollards: A Quick Guide
The driveway security bollard has been popular in commercial and industrial applications for many years. More recently, residential property owners have also become interested in security bollards for driveways due to issues such as vehicle theft. If you are thinking about installing driveway security bollards, we have answers to some important questions you may have.
3 Types of Traffic Barriers and When To Use Them
There are many different traffic barrier types. Some are portable, meant to keep motorists away from construction zones and other transient hazards. Others are permanent, intended primarily to protect the property itself from errant motorists. We at Delta Scientific sell products intended to protect your property from vehicles traveling at unsafe speeds or in areas they aren’t supposed to go. Here are some examples of our products and how to utilize them.
Delta’s DSC8000 Bi-Fold Speed Gate Successfully Passes M30/P1 Crash Test
Delta Scientific announced their DSC8000 shallow foundation bi-fold speed gate has successfully achieved an M30/P1 designation with negative penetration. The DSC8000 was tested to the new ASTM F2656-20 standard which measures the penetration level from the leading edge of the barrier versus the back-side of the barrier of the previous standard.