DSC600 Fixed Bollard Modules
K-12 Bollards for Ultimate Security
Certified by: Meet U.S. Department of State standards
Certification Level: Passed K-12 Bollard test
Gross Vehicle Weight: 15,000 pounds/66.7 kN
Crash Speed: 50 mph/80 kph
Delta Scientific’s DSC600 Shallow Foundation Bollards protect approaches to buildings, drop-off and passenger loading areas at transportation hubs, storefronts, sports arenas, office buildings and other presently unprotected locations where vehicle bombers and errant drivers have no obstacles.
With the DSC600 crash rated bollard modules, those facilities surrounded by streets, abutting sidewalks and set back on lawns, such as many state capitals, other government structures, stadiums, theaters, and commercial buildings, can now be effectively protected.
With a foundation only 14 inches (35.5 cm) deep versus the four feet (1.2 m) typically required, Delta’s DSC600 Shallow Foundation High Security Bollards can be installed within sidewalks, on top of concrete deck truss bridges, or in planters. They can also conform to varying inclines and turns of a locale. The new 2-bollard modules, which can be arrayed in whatever length is required, will stop and destroy a 15,000-pound (66.7 kN) truck traveling 50 miles per hour (80 kph).
DSC600 Fixed Bollard Crash Test
The DSC600 is the first Shallow Foundation Bollard to successfully meet the U.S. Department of State Specification, Revision A that requires the bed of the attacking truck to go less than 39 inches (1 m) beyond the point of impact.
In its K-12 bollard certified crash test on July 31, 2007, the penetration of the truck was only 15 inches (38.1 cm), with only minor damage to the DSC600 bollards, meeting both the US and United Kingdom 1-meter requirements. Both bollards in the module were structurally sound and the foundation pad was intact. The system stood ready to accept a subsequent hit, a tactic employed by terrorists.
DSC600 Shallow Foundation K-12 Rated Bollards
DSC600 High Security Bollard Module

DSC600 Bollard Available with a New Style of Casting Covers

DSC600 Bollard Available with a New Style of Casting Covers

DSC600 Fixed Bollards Synopsis
- The DSC600 module is designed to function as a standalone module or as part of an extended array. Adjacent modules need not be linked; facilitating curved or inclined layouts.
- The foundation is 14.0 inches (356mm) deep and can be set into existing roadways, sidewalks or landscaped areas.
- The exposed surface of the foundation can be textured, colored or finished with paving treads to a depth of 2.0 inches (51 mm).
- The DSC600 has received the highest crash rating under the performance standards of the United States Department of State specification SD-STD-02-.01-Rev. A, March 2003 – K-12.
- The rating was assigned following full scale testing by an independent test laboratory. The DSC600 was hit by a 15,006 pound (GVW) (6.807 kg) truck traveling 50.78 mph (81.7 kph) The permanent penetration of the truck bed was 15.0 inches (381 mm).
- The DSC600 has further been certified by the Unites States Department of State to have met their requirement of Dynamic Penetration of less than 1.0 m.
- The DSC600 is supplied from the factory with steel reinforcing mesh welded in place, matching the as tested configuration. In most situations no additional rebar is needed for installation. .
- Decorative slip on cast aluminum and fiberglass covers, along with stainless steel sleeves are available.
- Removable option available
DSC600 High Security Bollards in Transit

DSC600 Crash Rated Bollard Module

Specifications & Resources
DSC600 Bollard Casting Options
DSC600 Bollard System Brochure
DSC600 Bollard General Arrangement Drawing
DSC600 Bollard Specifications