Crash gates are commonly used to prevent traffic in secure areas. They can withstand substantial impacts without allowing vehicles through.
Delta Barriers Protect DNC
In late August, the Democratic National Convention drew capacity crowds to Chicago’s United Center. Protection for its high-profile guests came from multiple law enforcement agencies. Considering the state of domestic and international strife, protests, and the July assassination attempt on former President Trump, the city and DNC’s security concerns were justified. Delta Scientific’s portable safety barriers helped ensure top security at the event.
Removable Bollards: Everything You Need To Know
Bollards, those waist-high posts standing guard along city streets and around important buildings, offer security and can add a touch of urban design; however, they’re often a permanent fixture. What if you need a security barrier only for a temporary period?
10 Ways to Improve Parking Lot Security
Parking lot security is paramount to a business’s or company’s safety and success. It can help keep not only the property but also the people safe. Ample security in and out of parking bays, garages, lots, and spaces helps keep the business free from crime and vandalism.
What Is a Traffic Control Device?
Traffic control devices are essential in guiding drivers, managing the flow of traffic, and keeping people safe while on the road. Understanding what traffic control devices are, where they can be beneficial, and which control devices to choose for different scenarios can help business owners, event organizers, and other people create safer communities.
Parking Bollards: The Best Options and How To Set Them Up
Parking bollards are key tools for limiting vehicle access, protecting properties, and keeping pedestrians and other drivers safe. However, there are several different types of parking bollards available, with different pros and cons for each one. It’s important to understand where parking bollards are most useful to evaluate whether a specific type is the right solution.
Choosing and Setting up Barricades for a Concert
Listening to musicians perform live and sharing the experience with others can be a special experience. However, rowdy crowds can become dangerous. Terroristic vehicle ramming attacks are unfortunately more common, and concert venues can present a soft target. We at Delta Scientific offer several barricade options to help you keep musicians and attendees safe at your next concert.
Military Base Breaches Versus Delta Scientific Barricades
Breaches of physical security on military bases by unauthorized personnel are more common than the average civilian may realize. Unauthorized personnel may wish to steal military information for a foreign power or just cause chaos by committing violence. We at Delta Scientific understand the risks that these breaches pose to national security. Our barricades have a role in preventing and thwarting such breaches.
A Guide to Anti-Ram Vehicle Barriers
Many organizations in the public and private sectors have adopted a tiered approach to physical security. Where there is a tiered approach, there are several perimeter barriers in place to prevent access by unauthorized personnel. Anti-ram barriers are examples of these perimeter barriers. If you are unfamiliar with physical security concepts, we offer this introduction to anti-ram vehicle barriers.
How Building Protection Bollards Improve Public Building Aesthetic
It’s an unfortunate reality that terrorist attacks, both in the United States and abroad, have turned motor vehicles into weapons. These attacks have involved cars and trucks barrelling into large crowds, pedestrian areas, and college campuses. Many other targets, such as sports stadiums, community centers, and government buildings, could see a vehicular attack. In order to treat the threat of these attacks seriously, companies and event organizers should consider utilizing building protection bollards.