A Closer Look at Visual Deterrents

Half of the battle against aggressors is pre-planning. Establishing a comprehensive security system before an attack takes place ensures that staff and police are prepared for almost any eventuality. However, constructing or modifying an area to be highly secure without looking like a fortress is a challenge every architect faces, especially in locales where looks mean everything.

Keeping Parking Garages Safe Zones

Unmanned parking garages are becoming a staple in larger cities. As companies take advantage of remote security and automated egress systems, the need for a large on-site security force for these enclosed structures seems to be diminishing. But a recent rise in attacks has led some companies to rethink this model. By adding additional security measures and a physical security presence, these areas can become much safer for foot and vehicular traffic.

The Bollard Dilemma

The security bollard is an effective & cost-efficient way to regulate traffic flow & prevent vehicular egress. Permanent bollards designed for ongoing protection or temporary structures meant as a placeholder. However, what is meant to be temporary can become permanent solution to a problem that has long since passed.