DSC2000 Modular Wedge Barricade
K-12 Crash Rated Barricade
Vehicle Stopping Systems
Certified By: U.S. Department of State
Certification Level: K12/L3
Installation Design: Extremely Shallow Foundation
Because each module weighs only 1100 pounds (500 kg) and is easy to install, the DSC2000 barricade is perfect for remote locations and developing country installations. It fits in a small shipping package or air cargo container for convenient air transport. Modules can even be carried in the back of a pick-up truck.
With its extremely shallow foundation at 11″ and aesthetic design, the DSC2000 is a major breakthrough in high duty, anti-terrorist barricades. It obviates the concerns of interference with buried pipes, power lines and fiber optic communication lines. The DSC2000 is perfect for high water table locations and areas with corrosive soils. The ten-inch shallow foundation also reduces installation complexity, time, materials and corresponding costs.
Delta’s fastest, smallest and shallowest foundation barricade was created especially for high speed applications and ease of installation. It is K12 crash certified with no penetration, meaning it will stop a 15,000 pound (66.7 kN) vehicle traveling 50 mph (80 kph) dead in its tracks.
DSC2000 High Security Barricade Protection – U.S. Navy

Product Highlights
Certified by: U.S. Department of State
Certification Level: K12/L3 (SD-SDT-02.01 Revision A dated March 2003)
Gross Vehicle Weight: 15,000 pounds/66.7 kN
Crash Speed: 50 mph/80kph

Delta Scientific: Wedge Barricade DSC2000 at Phillies Stadium

Delta Scientific: Wedge Barricade DSC2000 in New York

United Kingdom Crash Test
The DSC2000 has been tested to the United Kingdom BSI Standard PAS:68 2007 Crash Test. 7.5 Tonne EU truck at 80 kph. Two Meter penetration and partially functional after the vehicle was removed. The two outer barricades were operational. Second attack readiness demonstrated.
K12 crash-certified by the U.S. Dept. of State (SD-SDT-02.01 Revision A dated March 2003) with no penetration, it stops a 15,000 pound (66.7 kN) vehicle traveling 50 mph (80 kph) dead in its tracks. When danger is imminent, the barricade rises in less than one-half second (0.5 seconds)!
The DSC2000 barricade is designed to go places.
For ease of shipping, the complete barricade system, including the hydraulic power unit, control circuits and controls, all fit on two 4 ft. x 6 ft. pallets that can easily be handled by a lightweight yard fork lift or pallet jack.
The barricade modules can be manhandled into place and installed without the use of power equipment. This barricade can be set up, sited and cast in place without removing the top plate.
Multiple modules can be deployed in configurations to guard wide roadways to narrow driveways. Designed for heavy use, the DSC2000 produces more than 100,000 cycles per month with axle loading greater than 22,000 pounds.
Representatives from the U.S. Department of State, Army Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation who witnessed the July 2005 crash tests for the DSC2000 were very impressed.
Set in a foundation only ten inches (25 cm) deep versus the standard 18 inches on most shallow foundation barriers, the Delta DSC2000 survived and operated after a crash test with a 1.5 million foot pound impact, exceeding Department of State and Department of Defense test standards.
Delta Scientific: Wedge Barricade DSC2000M ”Road Open” Operation
Delta Scientific: Wedge Barricade DSC2000M ”Road Closed” Operation
Delta Scientific: Wedge Barricade DSC2000 New Orleans Marine Base

Delta Scientific: Wedge Barricade DSC2000 Installation

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System Designation | System Configuration | Configuration Attack Vehicle Weight | Impact Velocity | Load Penetration | Deployment Time | CertifyingTest Laboratory | Certifying Organization | Certified Rating Specification |
DSC2000 | Three Module Array | 15,000 lbs (66.7 kN) | 50 mph (80.4 kph) | None | 0.382 seconds | KARCO Engineering, Adelanto CA | U.S. Dept. of State | K12* |
System Designation | System Configuration | Configuration Attack Vehicle Weight | Impact Velocity | Load Penetration | Deployment Time | Certification |
DSC2000 | Three Module Array | 15,000 lbs (66.7 kN) | 50 mph (80.4 kph) | None | 0.382 seconds | KARCO Engineering, Adelanto CA |
Specifications & Resources
DSC2000 General Arrangement
DSC2000 Foundation Drawing
DSC2000 Procurement Specification
DSC2000 Barricades Brochure