How Building Protection Bollards Improve Public Building Aesthetic

It’s an unfortunate reality that terrorist attacks, both in the United States and abroad, have turned motor vehicles into weapons. These attacks have involved cars and trucks barrelling into large crowds, pedestrian areas, and college campuses. Many other targets, such as sports stadiums, community centers, and government buildings, could see a vehicular attack. In order to treat the threat of these attacks seriously, companies and event organizers should consider utilizing building protection bollards.

What Airports Can Learn From the Cleveland Airport TSA Security Breach

Airports are not fortresses. That’s what the chief of the Cleveland Hopkins International Airport said after the perimeter breach in the early morning hours of Feb. 3, 2019, when a yellow SUV approached the airport from the west side, crashing through an unattended chain-link gate. The vehicle apparently came to rest in a snowbank, where it was ultimately found, after driving across the airfield for nearly three minutes, crashing through another section of fence in the process. Review the key facts of the Cleveland Airport security incident before reviewing approaches to prevent a similar situation from happening again. While this breach didn’t result in a tragedy, it highlights the importance of proper security measures in airports and other secure areas.

5 Advantages of Delta Scientific Sliding Gates

How would an intruder try to break onto your property? Chances are, a trespasser would try to get in the same way legitimate visitors do, by attempting to use the access points. Because a security system is no stronger than at its weakest point, fortifying the entryways to your property is of crucial importance. A sliding gate for your entryway offers many advantages. Here are some reasons why you should consider a sliding gate in general and one from Delta Scientific in particular.

Physical Security of University Campus During Virtual Learning

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the start of another school year has brought uncertainty to many college and university campuses across the country. Institutions of higher education have debated the correct way to mitigate the threat of exposure to the potentially deadly virus while meeting the educational needs of all students. Based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, most have either adopted a hybrid learning model, combining in-person instruction with virtual learning, or gone to virtual learning only. According to the CDC, the risk of transmission with hybrid learning is low to medium. Virtual-only instruction represents the lowest risk of infection with COVID-19.

How Security Bollards Can Help Keep Eyes on the Street in Pedestrian Areas

Journalist Jane Jacobs developed the concept of “eyes on the street” as it relates to public safety over 50 years ago. The theory holds that pedestrians tend to feel safe in public places that attract a lot of people because the crowds perform informal surveillance of the area and can draw attention to any potential threats. According to the theory, to draw the necessary numbers of pedestrians to keep “eyes on the street,” the public space and the area around it must be accessible and attractive.

Enhancing Physical Security for Health Care Facilities During COVID Response

During a public health crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic, medical facilities and personnel are even more critical than usual. While trying to care for patients infected with the novel coronavirus, health care providers have faced challenges such as lack of personal protective equipment, insufficient supplies of respirators, and overwork, as well as the risk of contracting the illness themselves or passing it on to their families.

The Art of Separation

Ensuring public safety should always be the driving force of security. Protecting both people and property from an attack can take more than rudimentary safeguards like fencing and traffic barriers. Mass demonstrations such as protests can put security teams at odds with these goals, but when intensive measures are taken, the response can project a tone of intimidation instead of protection. With the right tools and excellent preparation, any location can be ready to both safeguard people and property while also maintaining an air of professional authority.