A Case For Being Prepared


While many things have changed due to the worldwide pandemic, some things still remain the same. The threats of vehicular violence are still present even though collisions have become less frequent and traffic, in general, is at a significant low thanks to COVID-19. Preparing for such instances remains a high priority, and those institutions that take preemptive action stand to prevent major incidents before they start.

The Front Door

As seclusion across the world begins to wind down, it is inevitable that road traffic will see an upswing. More cars on the streets mean it’s more difficult to spot anger as it approaches, especially in the three main locations where vehicles use to enter facilities. The most obvious of these is the main gate, which usually has at least a barricade of some form to prevent access. Taking additional measures makes these areas even more secure against an incoming attack.

On May 22, 2020, an armed assailant attempted to drive through entryway gates at the Texas naval air station. The suspect was stopped almost instantaneously thanks to a wounded sailor and security team member who managed to raise a barricade despite her injuries. Only the shooter died in the incident, which could have been made much worse had the station not taken appropriate measures to keep intruders at bay.

Alternate Avenues

It is a lot easier to defend an area that is dedicated to the entrance and exit of vehicles and pedestrians. permanent solutions can be installed even after initial construction has begun. There are, however, secondary and equally tempting targets available to potential assailants, as illustrated in Security Magazine.

Locations that are designated pedestrian zones like large walkways or campus squares, often prohibit cars and trucks. Usually, these areas still have ways to allow maintenance vehicles access which can also bee seen as a potential point of entry to those with malintent. Other areas of concern include places that are traditionally vehicle-only but traffic must be rerouted to accommodate for an increased pedestrian presence, such as a concert hall during a popular and sold-out performance.

Creating Safety

The easiest way to keep all three of these areas secure is through proper planning. As with the Texas military station, having a comprehensive and concealed means of stopping incoming traffic ensures that primary access points can remain safe. K-rated security barricades such as the DSC2000 remain safely out of the way until needed, providing the stopping power that helps keep unwanted visitors out.

The most popular solution to temporary areas involves using bollards as protective devices. For those locations where vehicular traffic is uncommon, except for maintenance and delivery personnel, setups like the DSC305 retractable system raise and lower as needed. More temporary countermeasures may take the form of the TB100, a portable bollard arrangement that can protect up to 20 feet with an individual stopping power of over 400,000 fool pounds of kinetic energy.

Having an effective protection plan is the best way to keep pedestrians safe from vehicular attacks. Contact our team of barricade experts at Delta Scientific to learn more about making your current and future facilities secure, because while we want to expect the best it’s always good to be prepared!