Portable Barriers Help Make Effective Seclusion Zones

Portable Barriers Help Make Effective Seclusion Zones  Delta Scientific

Around the world, governments are trying to protect their citizens from COVID-19. One of the most effective ways is to create seclusion zones to keep people isolated and reduce the risk of spread. Agencies have also set up ad-hoc testing facilities to help determine who is affected, helping to establish quarantine procedures and track how far the illness has spread. In order to control the large amounts of pedestrians and vehicles, many areas are focusing on temporary solutions to traffic control and safety concerns.

Global Security

The onset of COVID-19 is altering how the world’s population interacts with each other. Some countries have been hit much harder than others, with Italy being a prime example. While China and other Asian countries try and outpace the epidemic, Italian officials have turned to an elaborate quarantine and request for seclusion to help the country move past the virus’ effects. These measures include travel bans and a request that all citizens venture outdoors only when extremely necessary.

In order to keep possible vectors, or people and things that help widespread disease transmission, at bay, even the Vatican has taken extra measures. The entrance to St. Peter’s Square has been fortified with a temporary barrier as the basilica closed its doors to the public. This coincides with nationwide efforts to keep travel at a minimum and ensure citizens remain isolated for the duration of the quarantine.

Getting Ahead of the Virus

The United States is working hard to keep its citizens safe. One of the major tasks is establishing testing facilities throughout the nation. One such attempt in Corpus Christi, TX involves turning an old hospital into an examination space to screen potential patients. Since the local government expects a host of visitors to the site, special precautions were put into place to ensure everyone’s safety.

Using temporary barricades, the city is able to direct foot and vehicular traffic around the area. This lets police and medical workers manage a population of concerned citizens much more efficiently by guiding them to appropriate locations while simultaneously keeping everyone safe from cars and trucks. In addition, it provides a measure of security in case tensions rise and there is a direct need to handle an out of control situation.

Portable Barrier Effectiveness

The main draw to using portable barriers when maintaining quarantines and setting up temporary medical facilities is their ease of installation. Devices like Delta Scientific’s DSC 1500 portable beam barriers offer effective and simple traffic control in a unit that is easily towed behind civilian trucks and sets up in minutes. In addition, if situations alter and security installations need to be reorganized, portable units can change locations very quickly.

Preparation for a pandemic like COVID-19 is unfortunate but necessary. For institutions and regional governments that don’t have a plan in place, portable barriers provide an excellent option for emergency designs of fortified facilities. Contact Delta Scientific to learn more about how these units can help turn a vector point into a quarantined area that’s safe for the sick and well alike.