The Intention Behind Vehicular Events

Vehicular attacks are quickly becoming a real and regular threat. According to a 2018 San Jose State University study, the number of events involving this method of assault has skyrocketed worldwide in recent years. While large trucks and transportation vehicles are often the vehicles chosen thanks in part to their larger size, these aren’t the only tools used by those with malicious intent. Not all of these occurrences are tied to terrorism and may involve other factors. As such, architects and security teams need to be aware of the danger smaller vehicles pose to those they protect.
Beyond Terrorism
It is easy to assume that any vehicular attack resulting in injury or loss of life holds terrorism as its root cause. After further inspection, however, there are other reasons why these incidents occur. Some are committed not by terrorists but by those who simply wish to do others harm. In 2017, an attack on pedestrians in Australia using a mid-sized sedan resulted in the deaths of six people. The driver initially made statements about God and being a freedom fighter, but it was soon discovered that the perpetrator was an intoxicated criminal who had gone wildly out of control.
Other incidents have explanations unrelated to any malicious intent. Accidents happen all the time, and unfortunately driver error and poor weather and road conditions can cause as much damage as someone seeking to do harm. Since these occurrences are difficult to predict, any institution that is vulnerable to accident or attack needs to take security into account, even if owners and officials don’t feel a location is threatened by terrorist activity.
Responding to the Small
While tractor-trailers and larger vehicles are not difficult to come by, smaller cars and trucks are much more ubiquitous. Even a compact car can weigh around 3,000 lbs, and a cargo van of similar length can be twice that. This makes even the smallest vehicles potentially deadly hazards that cannot be ignored. In order to secure an area against potential threats, pedestrian safety has to be taken into account.
One of the easiest ways to keep a location secure is to install permanent structures that prevent both smaller and larger vehicles access to areas that can cause the most damage. Using bollards to create a defensive perimeter can be one of the most cost-effective and attractive options. New York City has passed a bill that will find these devices installed at bus stops throughout the metropolitan area to protect citizens as they await pickup.
Other options involved installing commercial access barricades that keep out unauthorized vehicles. This has the added benefit of protecting those inside of the area from accidents and attacks. Installing radar-operated early-warning cameras may also keep staff on guard for incoming threats, be they accidental or purposeful.
The threat of terrorism is not one that should be taken lightly, but potential attacks are not the only reason to fortify areas with vehicular defenses. Get in touch with Delta Scientific to find out how your security setup can be bolstered by barricade systems. Preventing accidental damage is just as important as keeping intended assaults at bay.
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