How Building Protection Bollards Improve Public Building Aesthetic

It’s an unfortunate reality that terrorist attacks, both in the United States and abroad, have turned motor vehicles into weapons. These attacks have involved cars and trucks barrelling into large crowds, pedestrian areas, and college campuses. Many other targets, such as sports stadiums, community centers, and government buildings, could see a vehicular attack. In order to treat the threat of these attacks seriously, companies and event organizers should consider utilizing building protection bollards.

Your Guide to Typical Bollard Code Requirements

Bollards are short, sturdy posts installed in the ground, or just at the surface, to create a boundary between a roadway and a building or pedestrian area. Bollards allow foot traffic to flow freely while signaling to drivers that vehicles cannot enter a certain area. Bollards can even add aesthetic appeal. When installing Delta Scientific bollards, you must comply with applicable bollard code requirements. These may be part of a larger building code and ensure that the construction is safe for the general public.

What Crowd Surges Are and How To Prevent Them

Major events that draw large crowds can be fun, exciting, and memorable. Unfortunately, big events can also pose their own safety risks. Event planners and venues have a duty to protect attendees from external threats and from threats caused by the crowd itself. What are crowd surges? Find out more about these unfortunate incidents and ways to prevent them.

The Importance of Maintaining US Embassy Security

The word “embassy” refers both to the officials representing the government in a foreign country and the building in which they operate. While this can be confusing from time to time, the importance of securing both is crucial, both for the safety of the individuals in the embassy and the success of their mission. Delta Scientific recognizes the need to protect those who serve and has provided barriers to many government facilities to protect against vehicle attacks.

Product Spotlight: Beam Barricade DSC7000

A challenge that can arise when securing many critical facilities is that the approach is too wide for many traditional barricades to span completely. We at Delta Scientific have addressed this problem with our DSC7000 beam barricade, which is available in width options that can close off either a single lane or a double lane. Learn more about the features that the DSC7000 has to offer.

Evolving Security Challenges in Washington, D.C.

Thirty years ago, security at government buildings and historic sites in Washington, D.C., was much less stringent than it is today. Ordinary citizens were free to walk into the Capitol building and gather in large groups for pictures on the front steps without surveillance by security guards. However, due to evolving security threats against the nation’s capital, this is no longer possible.

Lunch and Learn Meetings With Delta Scientific

There are many excellent reasons to choose Delta Scientific for vehicle access control equipment. After more than 40 years in the business, we have conducted over 50 certified crash tests successfully. We offer over 100 different product designs. However, sometimes it can be difficult for our clients to determine which of our products best meet their unique needs. As part of our comprehensive customer service, we offer lunch and learn meetings with potential clients for informational purposes.