Barricade Protection Solutions to Meet the Needs of Many Industries

Delta Scientific provides security barricade solutions for many different industries across the globe. When total security solutions are needed for for high risk sites, Delta delivers.  Chosen by government agencies, military bases, critical infrastructure installations and commercial industries for protection solutions obtained that can be achieved from just one supplier. From airports and embassies to nuclear power plants and military sites, we are unique in the ability to provide a complete package. Delta Scientific handles vehicle barricade systems and more from the outside and inside, with installation, maintenance and full service.

Event Security

Event Security | Delta Scientific

No barrier manufacturer has done more for event security than Delta Scientific. Street fairs, festivals, concerts, premiers, sporting events, conventions and street caterings around the nation have implemented Delta Scientific portable barricades to protect event attendees from vehicles. 

Traffic Management

Traffic Management
 | Delta Scientific

Traffic management takes many forms. Traffic management can involve closing a roadway during a major city event such as a motion picture awards show, or traffic management can simply entail a traffic arm that raises and lowers after a fee has been paid in a parking garage.

Public Spaces Security

Public Spaces Security | Delta Scientific

Military, Government, Airports, Seaports and Stadium leaders have made protecting their personnel and assets against vehicular terror attacks a major priority over the years.

National Infrastructure Security

Critical Infrastructure Protection | Delta Scientific

Delta Scientific crash rated barriers have been called upon to protect critical infrastructure around the world. Over decades of defending critical infrastructure, Delta Scientific has developed barricades and supporting technologies to meet the diverse needs of these facilities.

Government Buildings Security

Government Buildings Security | Delta Scientific

Delta Scientific has had a strong relationship with the US government dating back to our founder Harry Dickinson’s patent on the first spike teeth in the 1970’s.

Military Security

Military Security Vehicle Access Control | Delta Scientific

Military bases both at home and abroad face constant threats. These facilities requires constant accessibility while maintaining utmost security. Delta Scientific has been at the forefront of military physical crash rated security for decades. Delta Scientific barriers have never failed to neutralize an attacking vehicle.

Airports and Seaports Security

Airports and Seaports Security | Delta Scientific

The Nation’s Seaports and Airports throughput thousands of people and billions of dollars’ worth of materials every day. These ports comprise of massive plots of land located amongst densely populated communities.

Private Sector Security

Private Sector Security | Delta Scientific

Bollards, Wedges, Beams, traffic arms, and gates designed and manufactured by Delta Scientific are being used all around the world to secure businesses across every major industry. 

Campus Security

Campus Security | Delta Scientific

College and University campuses pose a unique set of challenges for security personnel. These campuses can cover multiple city blocks with roadways both private and public passing through.

Stadium Security

Stadium Security | Delta Scientific

Few places have a greater security concern than Stadiums and Arenas. Delta Scientific barriers have been leading the charge in securing the nations stadiums from vehicle born terrorist attacks and errant driver incidents. 

Custom Engineering

Custom Engineering | Delta Scientific

Delta Scientific has performed more than fifty crash tests working with a number of government agencies and crash test facilities, since its inception in 1974.

Crash Rated Systems

DSC550 Pre-test | Delta Scientific

Review a quick list of those Delta Scientific barricades, bollards, gates, beams and vehicle access control models that are crash-certified. They are classified according to the type of barricade, barrier or bollard.